Hebrew Word Pictures - How does the Hebrew Alphabet Reveal Prophetic Truths?

Hebrew Word Pictures - How does the Hebrew Alphabet Reveal Prophetic Truths.jpg
Hebrew Word Pictures - How does the Hebrew Alphabet Reveal Prophetic Truths.jpg

Hebrew Word Pictures - How does the Hebrew Alphabet Reveal Prophetic Truths?


Did you know that Hebrew is the only language in the world we know of which is both pictographic (like Egyptian hieroglyphics) and phonetic (like English and Spanish)? That means that every Hebrew word originally contained pictures (each letter is a picture) which helps show what was in God's mind when He coined each word.

We have been riveted by the discoveries we've been able to make in God's Word by simply using the historical information in Dr. Frank Seekins' Hebrew Word Pictures. Used in seminaries, Bible studies, and by those of us seeking a deeper level of understanding of our Christian and Jewish roots, this incredible book shows what each Hebrew letter means and how to gain insight by stringing these pictures together - and you don't have to know Hebrew to do this!

As you might expect from the Creator of all things, the language He used to speak the universe into existence is extremely unique. How unique?

You are in for a surprise which will enrich and enhance your understanding of the greatest book in the universe, your Bible.

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